Sunday, 18 April 2010

Fu Manchu Lionfish- - Dendrochirus biocellatus

The Fu Manchu Lionfish or Dendrochirus biocellatus has without a doubt one of the coolest names of any saltwater fish in the world. They get their name from the two strange tentacle like protrusions out of the side of their heads that look like, you guessed, it a Fu Manchu! Many people speculate that these barbels are actually used as lures to bring their prey close enough to strike.

Also known as the Twinspot Lionfish and the Ocellated Lionfish they are quite striking with white, black and red stripes along their bodies. Like most Lionfish they have fan like pectoral fins with porcupine like quill for dorsal fins. Be extremely careful as this "quills" are venomous, and can cause a VERY painful reaction.Often kept as aquatic pets, the Fu Manchu Lionfish needs an aquarium of 40 gallons or more with plenty of places to hide. In the wild these saltwater fish are found at depths of up to 130' around reefs and in lagoons. They are nocturnal and actually spend most of their days hanging upside down waiting for the cover of darkness to feed. Growing to about 4" in maximum length in an aquarium setting the Fu Manchu Lionfish are carnivores that should be fed meat meals such as live shrimp and feeder fish. Water condition of 72-78° F, pH 8.1-8.4 and sg 1.020-1.025 are acceptable. Do not keep these the Fu Manchu Lionfish with Triggerfish as they will compete too ferociously for food sources.

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Cobia - - Rachycentron canadum

The Cobia or Rachycentron canadum is a saltwater fish that is found from the Gulf of Mexico to as far up the coast as Maryland in the summer months. They are known by many different names including the Black Salmon, Ling, Lemonfish, Crabeaters, Aruan Tasek and the Black Kingfish.

Cobia are a very popular kind of sporting fish especially in Florida where they make their yearly appearances around March. They are known for their tenacious fight and large stature. Growing to about 6' (2m) in maximum length, these saltwater monsters can weigh over 150lbs (68kg)! If you are planning on catching one of these Cobia or Ling fish make sure you have the proper equipment as these fish tend to make many runs and can truly test the endurance of even the most experienced fisherman.Cobia fish normally have long, smooth bodies with two dark brown bands down their sides. They have flat heads with a protruding lower jaw. Their bodies are often dark brown with a lighter underbelly. Cobia are distinguished from other fish by the fact that the dorsal fin is composed of 7 to 9 spines that are not connected by a membrane giving them almost a prehistoric look. You can check out the Cobia in action below in the video...

Cobia are said to be one of the finest tasting fish in the ocean. They can be caught by bottom fishing or trolling with a bright jig. Live baits for bottom fishing can including eels, pinfish, and even crabs. They can often be found in shallow waters around piers, wrecks. Watch out once you get this fish into the boat the fight can just be beginning. Cobia really have a never say die attitude and can injure fisherman or even boats with their thrashing.

If you have a fishing tip or recipe for the Cobia that you would like to share please leave it in the comments below..

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Jeweled Goby Cichlid- - Tanganicodus irsacae

The Jeweled Goby Cichlid or Tanganicodus irsacae is a very easy to care for aquatic pet. This combined with the fact that they have a unique body that is covered with blue spots along with a few stripes makes them a perfect starter fish for a freshwater aquarium. The eyes on this fish are large and set towards the top of their head giving them a "cute" appearance. They have a smaller than normal swim bladder which makes them have a funny way of swimming. Very fun to watch!

Also known as the Spotfin Goby Cichlid this is just one of the many species of Cichlid that comes from a place in Africa called Lake Tanganyika. Kept in an aquarium of 40 gallons or more the Jeweled Goby Cichlid should bring given many hiding places especially if they are kept with other fish. This fish is not considered to be overly aggressive, but they can be territorial if not given enough room to swim. They are often found near the bottom of the aquarium so mixing them with some top level or mid level aquarium fish shouldn't be too much of a problem. This Goby will only grow to about 2-1/2" in maximum length which makes it one of the smallest of the Gobys. The Jeweled Goby Cichlid prefers is an omnivore that prefers a water temperature of 72-82° F, KH 12-20, and a PH level of 8.0-9.0. If you manage to get this species of Cichlid to spawn you will notice that they are mouth brooders which simple means that the females carry their eggs in their mouths until hatching. After this the males will actually protect them in his mouth while they are very small. What makes them a bit different from other Cichlids is the fact that they are completely monogamous which means that they stay with the same mate. Once the fry hatch they can be fed brine shrimp along with flake foods. As they grow older you should feed them vegetable flake food along with meaty foods on occasion. You can also but pellets special designed for Cichlids here!

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Tiger Tail Seahorse - - Hippocampus comes

The Tiger Tail Seahorse or Hippocampus comes is often found in pairs, sometimes tails entwined, around coral reefs in the tropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. This species of Seahorse is related to the Pipefish and Leafy Sea Dragon and are normally yellow and black with the traditional dorsal fins they use to propel themselves. Pectoral fins that are located behind their eyes help them steer in one direction or another. Tiger Tail Seahorse can grow to about 60 cm in maximum length and can live to about 3 years old.

Able to survive in brackish and saltwater this Seahorse will feed
on small invertebrates, which it literally sucks though its tubular snout. If you have this type of Seahorse in an aquarium setting and manage to get them to breed, make sure to separate the males after birth or they will eat their own young. The strangest part about this is the fact that the males actually carry the eggs during the pregnancy that lasts as long as four weeks! Check out a this Tiger Tail Seahorse underwater in the video below...

If you have any tips or facts about the Tiger Tail Seahorse please leave them below in the comments...

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Spotted Sea Trout - - Cynoscion nebulosus

Spotted Sea Trout or Cynoscion nebulosus is a quite common fish in the Southern United States that is commonly known as the Speckled Trout along with the Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) which is known by the same name. This saltwater fish is often found in brackish waters close to the coast. Spotted Sea Trout can be described as having very sharp and large canine teeth with a greyish body and black spots. The inside of the Spotted Sea Trouts mouth is normally orange which help differentiate them from similar species. These fish are often caught with spoons and jigs along with live shrimp. The best time to fish for Spotted Sea Trout is in the early morning when they are the most active.

Also known as the Speckled Weakfish they are a great fish to eat as long as you ice them directly after cleaning. Their white meat is said to be one of the finest in the world. They normally grow to about 22 inches on average and can weigh more than 3lbs. They reach sexual maturity in 2 years or less and can produce over 100,000 eggs at a time. The maximum age that Spotted Sea Trout can reach is about 18 years. Like many fish they grow a lot more in the warmer months and less in the cooler winter months.
The Spotted Sea Trout often becomes prey to such fish as the Alligator Gar, Tarpon and Barracuda. If you have any recipes or fishing tips for the Spotted Sea Trout please share them in the comments below...

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Roosterfish - - Nematistius pectoralis

The Roosterfish or Nematistius pectoralis is a very popular sporting fish that in caught in in the Pacific Ocean in places like Costa Rica and the Mexican waters to Panama. This fish, true to its name, has a rather odd rooster comb as dorsal fins!

Like its fellow family member the Amberjack, these saltwater fish can get very big, growing to lengths of over 4' and weighing over 100lbs! The Roosterfish is said to put up a ferocious fight but it not the tastiest fish in the world where they are also known as Pez Gallo or Papagallo.
Roosterfish are said to have the ability to amplify sound which helps them catch unsuspecting prey and avoid dangerous predators. Like a lot of intelligent fish Roosterfish are best caught with fresh live bait. If you have a fishing tip or a Roosterfish recipe please share it with the world below...

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Bowfin- - Amia calva

The Bowfin or Amia calva are caught quite often, but are not considered to be one of the finest fish to eat. This species of fish is the only remained kind of Bowfin fish alive today but they are known by many names including Dogfish, Tchoupique, Mudfish, Grindle, Grinnel, Swamp Muskie, Cottonfish and Lawyer. They are often caught in the north east part of North America including Tennessee normally in shallow slow moving waters and rivers. In fact, these freshwater fish can go to the surface and breath when water conditions become poor.Bowfins can reach lengths of almost 4' and will sometimes weigh over 20lbs so they are fun to catch and are edible. If you want to catch Bowfin you should consider the fact that they are known to munch on crawfish, frogs, insects and small fish and are often very hungry! Much like the Bluegill these fish will protect their eggs and small fry. Once hooked Bowfins are excellent fighters and never give up. Watch out they like to bite! You can see a Bowfin in action below toward the end of this video...

If you have any tips about catching Bowfin please leave them in the comments below...

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Goliath Grouper

There are two different kinds of Goliath Groupers the Atlantic Goliath Grouper (Epinephelus itajara) and the Pacific Goliath Grouper (Epinephelus quinquefasciatus). True to their name this type of Grouper can grow over 8' in length and can weigh in and over 670lbs! Lucky for us these Groupers are also quite tasty and said to resemble the texture of a fine steak. These saltwater fish are gray or brownish yellow with dark spots and found in warm shallow tropical waters around coral reefs normally less than 160 feet deep.When they are young they can be found in brackish areas and mangrove swamps. At these shallow depths these slow growing fish can be quite easy although very exciting to try and spear. Even though some people may consider the Goliath Grouper to be a stupid giant the are actually quite intelligent. They produce a rumbling sound that comes from their swim bladder that helps them communicate with other Goliaths. To check out the Goliath Grouper in action watch the video below...

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Oriental Flying Gurnard- -Dactyloptena orientalis

The Oriental Flying Gurnard or Dactyloptena orientalis is an unbelievable salt water fish that actually has a pair of wings and also has the ability to walk on the ocean floor. These fish are often found in the Indo-Pacific Oceans at depths of up to 100 meters. They are quite small only growing to about 40cm in maximum length. The Oriental Flying Gurnard wings are actually massive pectoral fins that flare up when the creature is threatened. These wings have are dark with bright blue on the edges. Their pelvic fins act as legs as they slowly make their way across the bottom in search of food. If that weren't weird enough the Oriental Flying Gurnard is also said to be able to make a grunting sound which they use to communicate with one another.

These salt water fish often feed on small bony fish, clams and small crustaceans. Oriental Flying Gurnard are often eaten by Mackerels and Sea Breams. To see the Oriental Flying Gurnard in action check out the video below...

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Spotted Puffer Fish - - Canthigaster jactator

The Spotted Puffer Fish or Canthigaster jactator is just one of the over 120 different species of Puffer Fish. Also known as the White Spotted Sharpnose Puffer and the White Spot Hawaiian Puffer, this fish has an almost reddish coloration with white spots all over its body. These fish are found in places like Hawaii, usually in pairs around corals and only grow to about 5" long. Strangely enough Spotted Puffers don't have any pelvic fins. They make up for this by using their pectoral fins to maneuver around its habitat.

Like all other Puffer Fish the Spotted Puffer has the amazing ability to inflate its body to twice its regular size! This not only makes it appear bigger to potential predators, but also makes it harder to swallow whole if caught. Not to mention parts of this fish are poisonous. Use caution if handling! As if that weren't enough these fish actually have a built in sunscreen like mucus that protects them from the dangerous ultra violet rays of the sun.The Spotted Puffer fish is often kept as a pet in an aquarium of at least 55 gallons. This salt water fish prefers the following water conditions 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025. This fish is an omnivore that should be fed krill, clams, squid and even hard shelled shrimp to help keep its teeth from growing out of control! They are not considered to be extremely aggressive, but they will nip the fins of tank mates they don't like.

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Cow Shark - - Hexanchus griseus

The Cow Shark or Hexanchus griseus is a one of the largest sharks in the world growing to more than 5.4 m (18 ft) in length. This massive creature can appear to be sluggish, but once this fish starts swimming it can easily chase down its prey which includes Hagfish, mollusks and crustaceans. Also known as the Bluntnose Sixgill Shark they are often found at depths of up to 1,875 m (6,150 ft). This deep sea fish is not considered to be a threat to humans simply because they never run into each other in the oceans.Cow Shark have a brownish coloration that sometimes appears to be black. It has six gills which separates them from most other sharks that only have five. This characteristic links them to sharks from the Triassic period.

They have small eyes that are bluish green. Females of this species tend to be larger than the males, but they both grow to an impressive size. Just check out this Cow Shark in close up action below...

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Sleeper Gold Head Goby- - Valenciennea strigata

The Sleeper Gold Head Goby or Valenciennea strigata is a saltwater fish with a very colorful fish. It is also known as the Pennant Glider, Golden Head Sleeper, Bluestreak, or the Yellowheaded Sleeper Goby. These fish have a white body with a yellow head and a stunning blue stripe directly below it eye. They only grow to about 6" in maximum length.

Their striking appearance makes this species a very popular aquarium fish. Water conditions of 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025 in at least a 60 gallon aquarium is recommended. The Sleeper Gold Head Goby is normally a peaceful fish, but like so many other Gobies they can become aggressive towards other Sleeper Gold Head Gobies.These fish will feed directly off the bottom, sifting through the sandy bottom finding food in the sands. This type of Goby is also said to have the ability to communicate with each other by producing signals with their mouths. Besides this ongoing activity of "chewing" the sand, these gobies can communicate with each other by producing signals with their mouths. In an aquarium setting the Sleeper Gold Head Goby can be fed brine shrimp, black worms, and other meaty food for carnivores. Live sand is highly recommended for these fish as they are constantly sifting the sand looking for their next meal. You can check them out in action in the video below...

In the wild these fish are found in the Western Pacific and Indian Oceans.

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Wahoo - - Acanthocybium solandri

The Wahoo or Anthocybium Solanderi is one of the fastest fish in the ocean reaching speeds of almost 50 mph! These fish are prized by anglers because they are an illusive, but powerful fish that once hooked are capable of impressive jumps and graceful re-entries into the tropical waters. This saltwater fish is found in temperatures of 70-86°F. Once caught the Wahoo is flat out delicious, it was even Ernest Hemingway's favor game fish.

The Wahoo is known by several different names including Ono in Hawaii and Peto in many other places around the world. They can grow to about 8 feet in length and weigh in over 180lbs! This along with the fact that Wahoos are extremely quick growers makes them quite the coveted trophy fish. Just have a look at this monster fish below...
If you are looking to catch Wahoo trying tolling about 7 or so MPH with a spoon or try a rig with pinfish, this seems to work well. If you have any Wahoo fishing tips you would like to share please leave a comment.

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Neon Swordtail - - Xiphophorus helleri

The Neon Swordtail or Xiphophorus helleri is a small colorful freshwater fish that is quite easy to care for. A great fish for someone just starting an aquarium. Their body almost has an iridescence look that makes them super colorful. Some have even claimed that this fish almost looks like a prism as it moves about the tank. The male of this species has a protrusion coming out of its tail that looks kinda like a sword, hence the name. The Neon Swordtail is an aquarium fish that is notoriously easy to care for. They have a peaceful temperament and are omnivores that can be fed flaked foods, algae, bloodworms, tubifex, and brine shrimp. They only grow to about 4" in length, so an aquarium of at least 30 gallons with a tight lid to keep them from jumping out is recommended. Water conditions of 64-82° F, pH 7.0-8.3, KH 12-30 are ideal. These fish make great tankmates with most other community fish. One thing to note though is that keeping two males in a small aquarium can lead to arguments between the two.

Neon Swordtails are live bearing fish that can reproduce at only 3 months old and can make almost 100 babies at a time!

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Three-Spined Stickleback - -Gasterosteus aculeatus

The Three-Spined Stickleback or Gasterosteus aculeatus is one of the few fish that were actually honored on a postage stamp. This fish was featured on the 14-franc stamp in Belgium in the year 1990.

There are about 16 different kinds of Stickleback fish that are grouped into five different genera. All of these Sticklebacks, including the Three-Spined Stickleback don't have any scales. They are found in freshwater and saltwater in many places across the world including Northern Europe, Northern Asia and North America. These fish feed on small crustaceans and other fishes larvae. The Three Spined Stickleback gets its name from the three isolated spines that shoot out from its dorsal fin area. These species has a very strange mating procedure. The males will construct a nest that is held together by a secretion from their kidneys. Males will develop a red belly and chin which shows that they are ready to mate. Males will then attract females to the nest were they will lay there eggs. From this point on the male fertilizes them and guards them until hatching. If you have more information about the Three-Spined Stickleback fish that you would like to share please leave a comment below...

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Convict Cichlid- -Amatitlania Nigrofasciata

The Convict Cichlid or Amatitlania nigrofasciata is an easy fish for beginners. They can be bred in an aquarium setting quite easily as well. Also known as the Zebra Cichlid this species is an omnivore that will accept many different kinds of food including flake food, small fish, insects, worms, plants and algae. You can also feed them specially designed pellets which you can purchase here! Normally these fish are quite calm, but while breeding they can be quite aggressive and should only be kept in pairs.The Convict Cichlid is a smaller fish only growing to about 10cm in length when fully grown. These fish have vertical stripes on their bodies that resemble that of someone in jail, hence the name. Females of this species have more colors in their bodies that include pink or orange in their ventral region and on their dorsal fin. Males are often duller, but will grow a bit larger than the females. Males will also develop lumps on their foreheads like some other Cichlid fish, including its close relative the Frontosa Cichlid. To check out the Convict Cichlid and babies in action watch the video below...

In the wild they are found in Central America from Guatemala to Costa Rica. They are more tolerant to cooler waters about 79-84F is recommended with a PH level of 6.6 - 7.8. If you have more information about the Convict Cichlid that you would like to share please post it in the comments below.

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Greater Amberjacks- -Seriola Dumerili

Greater Amberjacks or Seriola dumerili are the largest of the three different kinds of Amberjack fish which include the Lesser Amberjacks and the Banded Rudderfish. Greater Amberjacks are found in many places around the world in the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and the Indian coasts. They are often found in bettween 20 and 100 m in depth.

Greater Amberjacks are a quite popular sporting fish due to their fast swimming abilities which makes a great challenge for even the toughest angler. These sporting fish put up a fantastic fight and are ferocious predators. This type of Amberjack grows to about 6' in maximum length and can weigh in at 80kg! Females of this species grow larger and live longer that the males. Maximum life spand is about 17 years. Sexual maturity is reached at about 5 years of age. They are brownish blue in color and have a band that goes over its eye. When these Amberjacks are young they have vertical stripes on their bodies that fade as they grow older. Often found in schools when they are younger, the Great Amberjack spends more and more time alone as it grows older.

Greater Amberjacks are edible and can be prepared fried, broiled, baked, or grilled for human consumption. They are not the best tasting fish or the worse tasting fish... If you have an Amberjack recipe that you would like to share or fishing tips please leave them in the comments below...

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Pineapple Fish - -Cleidopus gloriamaris

The Pineapple Fish or Cleidopus gloriamaris is one of the strangest looking aquarium fish in the world. Also known as the Pinecone Fish, Coat Of Mail Fish or the Knight Fish their bodies are covered with a spines and as you can see they resemble a pinecone or a pineapple.

The Pineapple Fish has a bioluminescent bacteria around their mouths that give make it seem as if they have a glowing smile! This glow is often green, but as the fish gets older it can become more reddish in color.In the wild these fish are often found in schools at depths of 10–200 meters. They are nocturnal fish that are found in underwater caves, rocky areas and sometimes even around coral reefs. At night they use their bioluminescent mouths to attract its prey. Commons places to see the Pinecone fish is off Queensland, New South Wales, and Western Australia. Check out the Pineapple Fish in action in the video below...

These saltwater fish are very easy to care for. An aquarium of about 60 gallons should work well with 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, sg 1.020-1.025, pH 8.1-8.4 water conditions. Pinecone Fish need caves and hiding spaces to get away for bright lights. If you keep them with other peaceful fish they should get along quite well. These fish will grow to about 8" in maximum length.

This fish eats feeder shrimp and small fish and should never be exposed to copper sulfate which is used to treat many common fish infections.

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Moorish Idol - - Zanclus canescens

The Moorish Idol or Zanclus canescens is often kept as an aquatic pet, but it is not considered to be easy to care for. In Hawaii, where it is quite commonly found, the Moorish Idol is known as Kihikihi while in other places of the world they are called Crowned Scythe. These saltwater fish are found in the Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Red Sea.

This striking fish has striking contrasting bands of white, black and yellow and an elongated dorsal fin which is called a philomantis extension. This beautiful appearance makes them a tempting buy for any aquarium enthusiast.
In a saltwater aquarium setting these fish will only grow to about 4" in length while in the wild they can grow as long as 7". Like with a lot of fish though, the bigger the aquarium, the bigger these fish will grow. An aquarium of at least 140 gallons is recommended. Water conditions of dKH 8-12, 78-80° F, sg 1.021-1.023, pH 8.1-8.4 are acceptable.

Moorish Idol are considered to be quite tame, they will not bother the other tankmates and will often form schools if kept in groups. The biggest problem with the Moorish Idol or Kihikihi is that they are very picky eaters. To start with you should make sure you have a large supply of live rock with sponges and algae. Eventually they will begin to take mysis shrimp, Spirulina, and other meat foods. Avocado and Banana pieces are also said to work for this picky eater.

What is your experience with the Moorish Idol? Do you have any tips or trick to keep this fish happy and healthy? If so leave them in the comments below...

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Giant Stingray = Himantura chaophraya

The Giant Stingray or Himantura chaophraya is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world. Also known as the Whip Ray, this massive stingray can grow to 16.5 ft (5m) and weigh in at an amazing 1,320 lbs (600 kg)! They are gray or brown in color and shaped like most other stingrays with a flat body and a long tail with a stinger on it. This stinger can reach lengths of 15 inches (38 centimeters) and can easily pierce through human skin and bone. If that didn't freak you out yet consider the fact that their stingers are also often venomous!

Giant Stingrays were only things of legend until 20 years ago when the first one was documented. For this reason, little is known about these monsters including their population size and habitats. Stories of these fish capsizing boats have even been reported. To see a Giant Stingray in action check out this video...

The few places that Giant stingrays have been spotted include Thailand, Borneo, New Guinea, and northern Australia. These creatures will often camouflage themselves by bury themselves in sandy river bottoms. Giant Stingrays have the ability to detect their prey by sensing their electrical fields! Quite an impressive trait!If you have more information about Giant Stingrays that you would like to add please do so in the comments below...

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Chilean Sea Bass- -Dissostichus eleginoides

The Chilean Sea Bass or Dissostichus eleginoides has many names including the Patagonian Toothfish, Merluza Negra and Mero in Japan. This type of fish is commercial caught in many different countries across the globe and exploded in popularity in the 1990 here in the states. Chilean Sea Bass are found in the frigid waters of the Southern Atlantic & Pacific oceans along with the Indian ocean at depths of up to 3850 meters.

This type of salt water fish is quite large, growing to 7-1/2' (2.3m) and can weigh up to 440lbs (200kg). Although the Chilean Sea Bass is believed to be able to live up to 50 years, they rarely reach this age due to overfishing. This combined with the fact that these fish don't reach sexual maturity until almost 10 years old makes the survival of this species in question. This large saltwater fish will feed on squid, prawns, and other small salt water fish.While certainly not the prettiest fish to look at, the Chilean Sea Bass are considered to be rather tasty with a light white fleshy meat they can be be prepared several different ways. If you have a recipe for Chilean Sea Bass please leave it below in the comments. Of course, always enjoy in moderation...

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Dracula Fish- -Danionella dracula

The Dracula Fish or Danionella dracula was recently discovered by researchers at London's Natural History Museum. As you can see in the pictures above and below, this odd looking freshwater fish gets its name from the sharp fangs that protrude out of their mouth. As if that weren't weird enough, the Dracula Fish has a transparent body much like the babies or frys of other fish species! Don't worry though the Dracula Fish is quite small growing only to about 1" in length.
Discovered in stream in Burma or Myanmar their sharp fangs are thought to be used for fighting other male Dracula Fish and not for feeding purposes. The fangs in the female Dracula Fish are much smaller than those of their male counterparts. Dracula fish feed on very small invertebrates and crustaceans and even are said to accept flake food in an aquarium setting.

If you have any more information you would like to share about the Dracula Fish please leave a comment below...

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Purple Dottyback- -Pseudochromis porphyreus

The Purple Dottyback or Pseudochromis porphyreus is a striking saltwater fish that is often used as an accent fish in a saltwater aquarium. Also known as the Magenta Dottyback, and the Strawberry Purple Pseudochromis this fish is considered to be quite easy to care for. Like most Pseudochromis fish, they are very hardy as well.

If you are thinking of purchasing a Purple Dottyback take into account that it can be aggressive towards other Pseudochromis fish or even other similarly shaped fish. An aquarium of at least 40 gallons should be provided with many hiding places to keep this fish happy and healthy. This fish will normally grow to no more than 3" in length and is safe to keep in a reef tank. Purple Dottybacks are carnivores that should be fed a variety of meaty foods including brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and other frozen meaty foods. Make sure to feed these fish properly or they will lose some of their beautiful coloration. Water conditions for this type of Dottyback fish should be temperatures of 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, sg 1.020-1.025, and a pH of 8.1-8.4.

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Opaline Gourami- - Trichogaster trichopterus

The Opaline Gourami or Trichogaster trichopterus is a popular aquarium fish that has a silver coloration with dark blue markings. Also known as the Marbled Gourami, Three Spot Gourami, Blue gourami, Cosby gourami, Gold gourami, Golden gourami this type of Gourami is small, growing to only about 6" and is considered to be quite peaceful. From what I understand the Opaline Gourami is one of the most interesting fish to watch grow up. Have a look at this video to see the baby fry in action...

Like a few other species of fish the Opaline Gourami breathes real air. This defines them as a Labyrinth Fish and means that you need to allow access to the surface of your tank in order for this fish to survive.

These fish require a tank of at least 30 gallons and are considered to be quite compatible with a lot of different tank mates of similar size and aggressiveness. As with most fish providing a lot of hiding spaces is crucial to keeping your fish happy.
The Male Opaline Gourami will build a bubble nest and then has a bizarre mating ritual in which the fish will dance in front of the female, flaring its fins and raising up its tail. This means that mating is imminent and if you want to encourage the process even more you should reduce your water level. After spawning the male can become aggressive toward the female Opaline Gourami so watch out. Sometimes separating them is the best idea. Make sure to change the water often after the fry have hatched.

The fry of this species can be fed infusoria and nauplii while the adult versions should be fed flake food and meaty food including bloodworms and brine shrimp. Water conditions for this freshwater aquarium fish should be 72-82° F with a PH Level of 6.0-8.0.

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Mosquitofish- -Gambusia Affinis

The Mosquitofish or Gambusia affinis can eat its body weight in mosquito larve in a single day! For this reason they are one of the most important fish in the world. Also known as Gambusia this fish's ability to keep mosquito populations in check helps prevent nasty diseases like the West Nile Virus, Yellow Fever and Malaria. Mosquitofish are often used in small ponds to keep Mosquitos and other insect larvae at bay and with the recently rise in foreclosures places have even been using these fish in abandoned pools.

As you can tell Mosquitofish are extremely hard to kill. They can withstand low oxygen levels, salt levels and high temperatures! This amazing adaptability makes the Mosquitofish one of the most far reaching fish in the world. To learn more about the Mosquitofish check out this video...

There are two types of Mosquitofish, the Western Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) and the Eastern Mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). They are both quite small the females reaching only 2-1/2" and the males 1-/2". These fish are grey with a mouth that is permanently pointed upwards to feed off the water's surface. Mosquitofish can reproduce quickly with a female reaching sexual maturity in under 9 weeks. They can produce almost 100 young at a time! Even though they only live to about 4 years maximum, they manage to multiply and take over places that they are introduced to. The numbers suggest that they can expand from 7,000 to 120,000 in just five months! As you can imagine these species can easily become an invasive species, but their uncanny ability to eliminate Mosquitos still makes them a popular fish! They are even often kept in an aquarium setting!

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