The Blobfish or Psychrolutes marcidus is without a doubt in one of the ugliest fish in the ocean. These
saltwater fish have what resembles a large nose in between two eyes and almost seem to be frowning! I guess with an ugly mug like that you would be frowning too. This
deep sea fish is often found at extreme depths off of the coasts of Tasmania and Australia. For this reason the Blobfish is rarely seen by the human eye.
The Blobfish has the ability to withstand the high pressure of these depths because its body is actually mostly a gelatinour mass that has a density just less than water. This gives the Blobfish the ability to float right above the bottom floor without using much energy.
As you can imagine, with the name like the Blobfish they aren't extremely active. In fact, most of the food that they eat simply floats right by them. This deep sea fish simply picks and chooses what to eat. Blobfish are often caught by fisherman that bottom trawling with nets.
One weird fact about the Blobfish is that when reproducing they will actually sit on their eggs until hatching. If you have any more information about the Blobfish that you would like to share please do so in the comments below...
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