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The Bowfin or Amia calva are caught quite often, but are not considered to be one of the finest fish to eat. This species of fish is the only remained kind of Bowfin fish alive today but they are known by many names including Dogfish, Tchoupique, Mudfish, Grindle, Grinnel, Swamp Muskie, Cottonfish and Lawyer. They are often caught in the north east part of North America including Tennessee normally in shallow slow moving waters and rivers. In fact, these freshwater fish can go to the surface and breath when water conditions become poor.Bowfins can reach lengths of almost 4' and will sometimes weigh over 20lbs so they are fun to catch and are edible. If you want to catch Bowfin you should consider the fact that they are known to munch on crawfish, frogs, insects and small fish and are often very hungry! Much like the Bluegill these fish will protect their eggs and small fry. Once hooked Bowfins are excellent fighters and never give up. Watch out they like to bite! You can see a Bowfin in action below toward the end of this video...
If you have any tips about catching Bowfin please leave them in the comments below...
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