There are two different kinds of Goliath Groupers the Atlantic Goliath Grouper (Epinephelus itajara) and the Pacific Goliath Grouper (Epinephelus quinquefasciatus). True to their name this type of
Grouper can grow over 8' in length and can weigh in and over 670lbs! Lucky for us these Groupers are also quite tasty and said to resemble the texture of a fine steak. These
saltwater fish are gray or brownish yellow with dark spots and found in warm shallow tropical waters around coral reefs normally less than 160 feet deep.

When they are young they can be found in brackish areas and mangrove swamps. At these shallow depths these slow growing fish can be quite easy although very exciting to try and spear. Even though some people may consider the Goliath Grouper to be a stupid giant the are actually quite intelligent. They produce a rumbling sound that comes from their swim bladder that helps them communicate with other Goliaths. To check out the Goliath Grouper in action watch the video below...
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